with years of experience as an actor and comedian, storytelling is my passion and I'm extremely adaptable
with years of experience as an actor and comedian, storytelling is my passion and I'm extremely adaptable
with years of experience as an actor and comedian, storytelling is my passion and I'm extremely adaptable

from stage to design
from stage to design
My journey to design wasn't linear.
My journey to design wasn't linear.
After earning a theater degree and pursuing acting professionally, I discovered a passion for visual communication while creating marketing materials for theater companies.
After earning a theater degree and pursuing acting professionally, I discovered a passion for visual communication while creating marketing materials for theater companies.
This led me to dive into the Adobe Creative Suite and design engaging experiences for audiences.
This led me to dive into the Adobe Creative Suite and design engaging experiences for audiences.
a shift to virtual engagement
a shift to virtual engagement
The pandemic forced a creative pivot. While facilitating virtual employee engagement events, I identified gaps in the programming.
The pandemic forced a creative pivot. While facilitating virtual employee engagement events, I identified gaps in the programming.
This sparked a desire to use design to create original and impactful experiences.
This sparked a desire to use design to create original and impactful experiences.
My virtual "Big Brother" spoof idea, co-developed with TeamBonding, became the successful "Big Inc." event used by clients like Deloitte.
My virtual "Big Brother" spoof idea, co-developed with TeamBonding, became the successful "Big Inc." event used by clients like Deloitte.
investing in design
investing in design
Fueled by a desire to work alongside industry leaders, I enrolled in Designlab's UX/UI Design program.
Fueled by a desire to work alongside industry leaders, I enrolled in Designlab's UX/UI Design program.
The rigorous coursework, combined with mentorship and a supportive design community, solidified my transition from design enthusiast to professional.
The rigorous coursework, combined with mentorship and a supportive design community, solidified my transition from design enthusiast to professional.
why design?
why design?
My background in theater instilled a love for storytelling and creating engaging experiences.
My background in theater instilled a love for storytelling and creating engaging experiences.
Design empowers me to translate that passion into intuitive and visually captivating products.
Design empowers me to translate that passion into intuitive and visually captivating products.
from stage to design
My journey to design wasn't linear.
After earning a theater degree and pursuing acting professionally, I discovered a passion for visual communication while creating marketing materials for theater companies.
This led me to dive into the Adobe Creative Suite and design engaging experiences for audiences.
a shift to virtual engagement
The pandemic forced a creative pivot. While facilitating virtual employee engagement events, I identified gaps in the programming.
This sparked a desire to use design to create original and impactful experiences.
My virtual "Big Brother" spoof idea, co-developed with TeamBonding, became the successful "Big Inc." event used by clients like Deloitte.
investing in design
Fueled by a desire to work alongside industry leaders, I enrolled in Designlab's UX/UI Design program.
The rigorous coursework, combined with mentorship and a supportive design community, solidified my transition from design enthusiast to professional.
why design?
My background in theater instilled a love for storytelling and creating engaging experiences.
Design empowers me to translate that passion into intuitive and visually captivating products.

© jayson speters design, 2024.
All rights reserved.
© jayson speters design, 2024.
All rights reserved.